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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find the answers to our most commonly asked questions, regarding Access® Tile, our products, and accessibility standards. Each of the links below provides a more detailed answer. If you have any questions not answered here, please get in touch with your local distributor.

The Top 20 FAQ

This page outlines, and answers, our Top 20 Frequently Asked Questions. You will find detailed information regarding Access® Tile’s specifications, required tools, durability in harsh weather conditions, how cutting affects the warranty, and more.

How did Truncated Dome Tile Become Standard?

In the 1970s, disability rights advocate and quadriplegic Ed Roberts pioneered the installation of curb cuts in Berkeley, California. These curb cuts, commonly known as curb ramps, became commonplace nationwide in the 1990s. While the advent of these curb cuts was a step forward, they did, however, create a new problem. To learn more about the advent of curb cuts, and how they led to the creation of truncated dome tile, view our “Pathways to ADA Curb Ramps” Page.

What makes Tactile Services, llc an Affordable ADA Compliant Tile?

Affordable ADA compliant tiles are needed for a variety of municipal projects across America. These tiles are not only useful but necessary for meeting ADA compliance. Over 25 years of research innovation and intelligent design have made Access® Tile’s products the most affordable, durable, tactile walking surfaces on the market that is why Tactile Services, llc only uses Access® Tile’s products.

Is Access® Tile Completely Non-Slip?

To effectively assist the visually impaired, tactile paving is designed with truncated domes and an anti-slip surface. You can find more information on Access® Tile’s specially developed, durable, non-slip detectable warning pads, click below.

How Does Access® Tile Benefit the Visually Impaired?

In recent years, sidewalk design and its benefit to the visually impaired have been re-envisioned. The first innovation in accessible sidewalk design was curb ramps, which eliminate tripping hazards. These ramps, however, removed the tactile (6” drop off on face of curb) that alerted person when they were entering a roadway. Truncated dome tiles were created to solve this problem. All of Access® Tile’s products benefit the visually impaired, aiding them in navigating any space safely.

What are High Definition Tactile Surfaces?

To ensure all Americans have equal access to the world around them, the Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA) made tactile paving a national requirement. To minimize project cost, and avoid early replacement, we recommend installing a High Definition tactile surface instead of normal ADA tile. Find out how a High definition Tactile Surface benefits your project.

How Important is Trip Hazard Protection?

Trip hazard protection has become an important aspect of good sidewalk design and has seen many innovations over the years. These innovations began with the rise of curb cuts, before seeing the standardization of truncated dome tile. To learn more about how we eliminate tripping hazards, visit our “Trip Hazard Protection” page.

What is the Impact of Truncated Dome Spacing?

The spacing between truncated domes is integral in creating an accessible space. Initially, truncated domes were spaced at 1.67 inches, and have recently updated to a common, more accessible spacing of 2.35 inches. To learn more about the role of truncated dome installations, visit out Truncated Dome Spacing page.